Real savings across a wide range of Office Products, with fast reliable delivery across Australia and NZ.
Buy Smarter
b2buy helps businesses – large and small - access better pricing, significantly reduce time searching and increase security, saving your business time, effort & money. While you may know us as a business-to-business marketplace, b2buy’s unique partnership with Coupa also allows us to supply one of Australia’s largest range of Office and Stationery products directly to Coupa customers through the Coupa platform.
Joined Coupa Advantage
Channel for buyers to access a supplier's e-commerce site from their own procurement system.
Instantly available punchout catalogs.
Supplier supports electronic invoicing.
Supplier supports receiving payments via Coupa Pay.
Supplier is enabled on Coupa's proprietary technology that gives the buyer the ability to search for a single item across multiple punchout catalogs in real time.
Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise
Supplier sells directly to customers.
Supplier sells directly to a Tier 1 supplier.
Sells goods/products with environmentally friendly materials.
Women Business Enterprise