ims Internationaler Medien Service GmbH & Co.KG
ims - Your literature service partner:
Highly efficient and single-source procurement of specialist media
ims International Media Service is a specialist partner for the procurement of specialist literature and information media in the B2B sector, for all manner of institutions and business organisations. We consolidate the literature procurement, both in print and digital format, and provide single-source service. Our target is to offer you relief, transparency, and cost efficiency for research, procurement, delivery, and invoicing of your specialist literature. We offer a wide range of delivery services as well and the management of digital licenses. You will strongly benefit time- and moneywise by using our automated procurement processes.
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Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise
Supplier sells directly to customers.
Supplier sells directly to a Tier 1 supplier.
Sells goods/products with environmentally friendly materials.
Women Business Enterprise